6 Gorgeous Art Prints to Fill Your Home with Truth this Easter
Mar 21, 2024As we approach Easter, it is such a joy to add meaningful art to my home. I love art that speaks truth and life over myself and my family. A few years ago, I created several hymn prints and it’s so fun to bring them back out this year as we enter the Easter season. Here are six of my favorites!
How Great Thou Art - My favorite hymn to sing, and it needed a cheery, rich pop of color, and it got it. “Then sings my soul, my Savior God to The, How great Thou art.”
You can purchase it in a variety of sizes here.

2. Blessed Assurance - This one…..an unexpected favorite from last year’s collection. I painted it completely unplanned or thought of, knowing I loved the song, but everything else about it just flowed. I will have this one displayed in my home for a long time!
You can purchase it in a variety of sizes here.

3. Old Rugged Cross - I’ll never forget when an elderly lady requested we sing this song one day, and I had never played it on guitar, only sung it in church as a kid. I quickly looked up the chords and we went for it, and the look on her face and tears in her eyes touched me so much! I loosely sketched all the lyrics in the collection to preserve some of the rawness that I felt while painting them!
You can purchase it in a variety of sizes here.

4. Amazing Grace - Simple, truth-filled, and overflowing with grace. The song that will never get old, and will continue to be known by everyone everywhere. I hope the truth behind it is always clear to you!
You can purchase it in a variety of sizes here.

5. He Is Risen - He is risen! Possibly the most exciting words spoken on the best day EVER!!! A bold statement that changed history for us all!
You can purchase it in a variety of sizes here.

6. The Lord’s Prayer - I’ve wanted to create this piece for a while, and I wanted it simple, and to be something that will be a staple in your home for generations to come.
You can purchase it in a variety of sizes here.

I hope these speak life over your family as much as it has mine! Which one are you hanging up first??